Sunday, April 29, 2007

Crossing the boarder into Pharr, Texas

We don't need no 'stinkin wall' we need more lanes!

Mexico Crafts

Maybe we need some decor!

Jose Cuervo

With "The Champs" singing in their ears, 'my people' went to the town of Tequila, passing the agave fields and took the factory tour....I think they just wanted the free Margaritas! Cuervo means crow....did ya know?


This is Catrina (apparently she hasn't heard the Surgeon General's warning)! She's waiting for the Day of the Dead Festival in November! Wish we could go!
The cows were on parade while we were there and 'my people' found this Huichol Indian man who made the mask we got for 'my' cousin Nick! Guadalajara is a pretty city and huge, some say 6 million people.

Saturday, April 21, 2007


If you drive south of Puerto Vallarta through the jungle, you might see these burros along the road and if you stop at Chino's you might see these crazy divers!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Lo de Marcos

I LOVE the beach! Frisbeeeee is my absolute favorite sport! William hasn't 'warmed' up to it yet...but I'm still working on him!

Guanajuato or "Frog"

Here I am hanging out with Fred, Lynn, Steve, Lila and of course "my people, Bill" before the rally. Guanajuato means Frog in spanish. This colonial city is built on hills with one way tunnels running though connecting the parts of town. Guanajuato is known for silver mining, has a european feel to it, a large and good University, and The Valencia Cathedral which has an alter made of gold.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Dolores Hildago

Another interesting old colonial city know for it's ceramic factories. The town Plaza has a statue of Father Miguel Hildago, a well educated liberal priest who questioned the policies of the church and the government and was eventually executed.
The street vender is selling fried pig skins. "My people" won't even let me try them...but they look yummy!

San Miguel Allende

San Miguel Allende is 6300 feet high! It's a beautiful old (1500s) colonial city, resembles a spanish or italian hill town with cobble stone streets and sidewalks winding through the city. They claim to have the most fesivals of any city in Mexico. They also have one of the prettiest Cathedrals . The guard dogs here have a better view from the rooftops than I do! Wonder what they get paid?

Sunday, April 01, 2007

More Zacatecas

This is the view from the mask museum.
"They" say if you watch enough Mexican TV, you'll learn to speak Spanish! Hummm I'm not thinking it's working.....but at least I have my toys to play with.
This is inside the mask museum.