Thursday, August 31, 2006

Big ole bears!

'My people' won't let me go with them on their nightly bear 'looking' along the Chilkoot River. They think I might get eaten....but I hear that Tom and Bill get a little too close sometimes! Good thing my Auntie Kathy and Uncle Doug love me...ya never know when your people might be a bears taco!


At 5:13 AM, Blogger toller said...

Hi Frankie and his people... I just wanted to tell you how brave you all are to be around all those bears. I know you are having a great time and I sure wish I was there with you. It's starting to cool down here too. The barn swallows left the other day, so the barn is quiet again... tie for my people to clean it out. HaHaHa.
Thanks for letting me know of your travels and see you soon.


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